Saturday, March 21, 2009

Even lamer than shutter shades?

Glasses are supposed to help you see, right? That is their primary function; that's why they exist.

So what the hell are these things supposed to be?

Is this a joke?

Now don't get me wrong: stylish frames are important. Anything you put on your face will have an enormous impact on how you are perceived. Look good, feel good. Blah blah blah...

But a pair of glasses with gold chains hanging down over the lenses is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.

Wouldn't they scratch the lenses? Become constantly tangled? Fly all over the place as you walk, smack you in the face and get caught in your hair?

It's like a beaded curtain for your eyes; I always thought those things were stupid, too.

via colette


  1. a beaded curtain for your eyes LOL!

    Great blog, (bad) design is everywhere, thanks for snarking about it.

    Max Stein

  2. Sometimes I'm overcome. There's just so much bad design in the world... *plastic bag floats across screen*
