Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Japan's creepy "fashion model robot".

Engineers from Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology have unveiled their new prototype 'gynoid', the HRP-4C "fashion model robot"...

...and have officially clinched the title of creepiest nerds on the effing planet. If you're working on a sexbot, fellas, just come out and say so.

And shouldn't a "fashion model robot" be able to walk without looking like a geriatric Parkinson's patient in ski-boots? Isn't that, you know... the only thing it should be able to do?


via designboom


  1. Thanks for your help. Your blog contain lots of information for many people who have interest in robotic modeling. To obtain a well shaped body your tips are really effective.

  2. Yeah, and look at the idiot photographers going nutso over robot when it moves! Jesus, this world is doomed...

    Why the hell can we get a hundred photographers from every news outlet on the planet to go crazy over a really bad robot, and not one to show up to take publicize some incredibly talented human being playing the cello?
